Summer 2024

We are thrilled to share the highlights of our recent Summer programming, conducted in partnership with CYCLE at Roger Williams University. Over the months of July and August, our high school and middle school students delved into transformative learning experiences through our Ethnic Studies and Hidden Lotus programs.

Ethnic Studies:
In this intensive 2-week program, high school students explored their identities, histories, and issues that matter to them through the lens of ethnic studies. Participants engaged in meaningful discussions on power, privilege, and oppression, examining how these concepts intersect with their own identity markers. By analyzing various historical contexts, students gained a deeper understanding of their identities and the broader social dynamics that shape our world. Our curriculum included intergenerational worldviews, experiences, narratives, and voices from communities of color, utilizing multiple forms of media and experiential learning opportunities.

Hidden Lotus:
The Hidden Lotus program offered middle school students a series of 10 learning exchanges focused on what it means to be a changemaker and a Young Revolutionary. Co-facilitated with ARISE lead organizers, this workshop series invited students to better understand themselves and their community. Through critical analysis of their own experiences and the broader social dynamics influencing our educational landscapes, participants were equipped with the tools to navigate the existing system and lead change efforts for policies and practices that serve them as whole people.

View the video here to see our programs in action!